'Initiated by children's illustrator and author Lucy Farfort the Bait project aimed to foster the creative spirit and help showcase artists in the region by creating a beautifully illustrated limited edition, recipe calendar.
Each artist was asked to illustrate their favourite recipe or a recipe personal to them, preferably with a North East twist but not essential. The artwork could be as imaginative and out there as the artist wished as long as it had some connection with the recipe & contained the recipe somewhere within the image.

The result of the work would culminate in a functional piece of purchasable artwork (the Bait calendar) and a month long exhibition, which was hosted at Quilliams Brothers Tea House.

'Bait' is a Geordie term for food, commonly used for lunch. 

The 12 illustrators for the 2014 project were (in no particular order): Ben Holland,  Josie Brookes, Lucy Dyke , Bethan Laker, Clare Armstrong, Lara Robinson, Amy Dover, Helen Temperley , Clare Brown , Faye Gollaglee, Sarah Ingledew and Lucy Farfort.

There were 400 calendars printed by Potts and these were available for purchase from an online shop, Quilliams and directly from each artist.'

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